Phenix Capital: Valuing nature’s capital

Phenix Capital: Valuing nature’s capital

Impact investing Biodiversity
Biodiversiteit (Pixabay, Nowaja).jpg

Phenix Capital Group has today released it’s annual Investor Report: 'Valuing Nature’s Capital', focusing on the critical role of natural capital in investment strategies.

The report explores how investors are increasingly allocating resources to nature's assets—essential resources such as ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources that are vital to the global economy.

The report highlights the growing dependence of industries like construction, agriculture, and food production on nature’s services, which generate trillions of dollars in global value. Despite the importance of these resources, natural capital remains under-recognized in financial reporting frameworks.

Phenix’s survey of investors reveals key trends in natural capital investing:

  • 67% invest indirectly via impact managers
  • 33.3% have impact as a separate allocation
  • 78% of investors had an allocation to one or more types of private equity strategies
  • 48% of investors allocate to European-focused funds
  • 45% of investors allocate to five or fewer impact funds
  • 90% of investors have climate as an impact theme
  • 71% actively considering natural capital
  • 70% looking at forestry as natural capital proxy
  • 78% of investors have biodiversity on their radar

Alongside the date, the report also features a number of Investor Interviews from:

  • Michiel Lenstra, Wire Group
  • Jenny Overman, CFA, CAIA, Privium Fund Management
  • Vincent Triesschijn, ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
  • Sybren Devoghel, King Baudouin Foundation
  • Mark Berryman, Caprock
  • Jim Bunch, Coinvest