Roundtable 'Direct Lending'
Axel Wehtje
Partner at Park Square Capital, Stockholm
Axel Wehtje is a Partner at Park Square Capital in Stockholm. Before joining Park Square in 2017, he was an Executive Director at Goldman Sachs in London, where he spent 8 years in the leveraged finance team. Wehtje holds an MSc in Finance from the Stockholm School of Economics. -
Boris Harmsen
Head of Origination Europe
Boris Harmsen is Managing Director, Head of Benelux, and Head of Origination for the Nordics at Pemberton Asset Management in Scandinavia. Prior to joining Pemberton in 2019, he was at Deutsche Industriebank AG, between 2015 and 2019, where he headed the Benelux leveraged finance and sponsor coverage activities. He has 15 years’ experience in the Benelux loan, credit and private equity market, including an investment manager role at Egeria, a Dutch private equity firm, and positions at Deutsche Bank and ABN AMRO. Harmsen graduated from the University of Groningen in The Netherlands with a Master’s of Law. -
Danny Vroegop
co-founder and CIO, Colesco Capital
Danny Vroegop is the co-founder and CIO of Colesco Capital, where he serves as the chair of the board and the investment committee. Before founding Colesco, he was responsible for Rabobank Group's global leveraged finance activities and private equity client base. Vroegop holds an executive MBA from IMD and an MSc in International Finance from the University of Amsterdam. -
Luc Toren
Senior Fund Manager, Wealth Management Partners
Luc Toren has been a Senior Fund Manager at Wealth Management Partners since 2020. Prior to this, he worked for over six years as a Fund Manager at a.s.r. real estate investment management. Toren studied Business Economics at the University of Amsterdam and obtained his MSc in Real Estate Management & Development from the Eindhoven University of Technology. -
Markus Schaen
Senior Fund Manager Fixed Income, MN
Markus Schaen is sinds 2008 werkzaam voor MN als Principal Fixed Income. Eerder werkte hij voor de Universiteit Maastricht, Deloitte, Metro AG, Draka Holding en Koninklijke Wegener NV. Aan de Universiteit Maastricht behaalde hij zijn doctoraaldiploma Bedrijfseconomie en rondde hij tevens de Register Accountancy-opleiding af. Daarnaast volgde hij de postdoctorale studie Treasury Management aan de VU in Amsterdam en het Executive Pensions Program aan Nyenrode. -
Mattis Poetter
Partner and Co-CIO, Arcmont Asset Management
Mattis Poetter is a Partner and Co-CIO at Arcmont Asset Management. Prior to joining Arcmont, he was a Partner at BlueBay’s Private Debt group. Before BlueBay, Poetter served as Director in the Private Credit team at HPS Investment Partners. He also spent seven years in the European Leveraged Finance team at J.P. Morgan. Poetter holds a degree in Business Administration from the Vienna University of Economics, which he obtained in 2007. -
Menno van den Elsaker
Head of Alternative Credits & Mortgages
Menno van den Elsaker is Head of Alternative Credits en Mortgages bij APG Asset Management. Met beleggingsteams in Amsterdam en New York is hij verantwoordelijk voor alle (interne en externe) private/alternatieve creditbeleggingen in Europa en de Verenigde Staten. Met een breed beleggingsmandaat, welke toegevoegde waarde moet leveren ten opzichte van publieke creditbeleggingen, belegt het team in strategieën zoals hypotheken, specialty finance, structured credit, direct lending, non-performing loans en distressed debt. Hij is lid van het Global Strategy & Management Team van Fixed Income bij APG en heeft ruim twintig jaar beleggingservaring. Voor zijn huidige rol was Van Den Elsaker verantwoordelijk voor de Europese securitisatie beleggingen. Van den Elsaker is in 2002 afgestudeerd in Financiële Econometrie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en is CFA charterholder. -
Mikkel Sckerl
Portfolio Manager and Senior Partner, Capital Four
Mikkel Sckerl is a Portfolio Manager and Senior Partner at Capital Four, where he started in 2013. He is also a member of the Investment Committee for Private Debt, Leveraged Loans, and High Yield. Prior to joining Capital Four, Sckerl worked at Saxo Bank and Citibank. He holds an MSc in Finance & Economics from the University of Warwick and an MSc in Economics from the University of Copenhagen. -
Paul Henriot
Managing Director in the CSG, HSBC Asset Management.
Paul Henriot is Managing Director in the Capital Solutions Group (CSG) at HSBC Asset Management. He has been working in the financial sector since 2005. CSG is responsible for raising funds and creating customized offerings in private and sustainable assets for institutional and wealth management clients of HSBC Asset Management. -
Raman Rajagopal
Senior Client Portfolio Manager, Invesco
Raman Rajagopal is a Senior Client Portfolio Manager for Invesco’s global Private Credit group. He is responsible for product development, structuring, and marketing investment strategies for senior loans and alternative credit products. Rajagopal holds a Bachelor of Science degree with honors from Carnegie Mellon University and a Juris Doctor (JD) from the University of Southern California Law School. -
Stuart Mathieson
Head of Europe, APAC Private Credit & Capital Solutions, Barings
Stuart Mathieson is Head of Europe, APAC Private Credit & Capital Solutions at Barings. He currently serves as the chairman of the Capital Solutions investment committee and is a member of several other investment committees within the company, including European Private Credit, North America Private Credit, APAC Private Credit, European High Yield, and the MassMutual Ventures Europe & Asia Fund. Mathieson has been with Barings since 2002.